CSS como usar o Border with top triangle
January 04, 2020Creates a text container with a triangle at the top. Explanation Use the and pseudo-elements to create two triangles. The color of the…
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Creates a text container with a triangle at the top. Explanation Use the and pseudo-elements to create two triangles. The color of the…
Creates a bouncing loader animation. Explanation Note: is usually . defines an animation that has two states, where the element changes…
Resets the box-model so that s and s are not affected by their s or . Explanation makes the addition of or s not affect an element’s or…
Creates a border animation on hover. Explanation Use the and pseduo-elements as borders that animate on hover. Browser support Acesse a…
The function calc() allows to define CSS values with the use of mathematical expressions, the value adopted for the property is the result…
Creates a circle shape with pure CSS. Explanation curves the borders of an element to create a circle. Since a circle has the same radius…
Ensures that an element self-clears its children. Explanation defines a pseudo-element. allows the pseudo-element to affect layout…
Given an element of variable width, it will ensure its height remains proportionate in a responsive fashion (i.e., its width to height ratio…
Counters are, in essence, variables maintained by CSS whose values may be incremented by CSS rules to track how many times they’re used…
Customizes the scrollbar style for the document and elements with scrollable overflow, on WebKit platforms. Explanation targets the whole…
Changes the styling of text selection. Explanation defines a pseudo selector on an element to style text within it when selected. Note that…
CSS variables that contain specific values to be reused throughout a document. Explanation The variables are defined globally within the…
Makes the content unselectable. Explanation specifies that the text cannot be selected. Browser support ⚠️ Requires prefixes for full…
Vertically and horizontally centers a child element within its parent element using (as an alternative to ). Explanation on ‘.center…
Creates a donut spinner that can be used to indicate the loading of content. Explanation Use a semi-transparent for the whole element…
Makes the first letter in the first paragraph bigger than the rest of the text - often used to signify the beginning of a new section…
Creates a shadow similar to but based on the colors of the element itself. Explanation on the element establishes a Cartesian positioning…
Variables that can be reused for properties, more powerful than the built-in , , and . Explanation The variables are defined globally…
Creates an effect where text appears to be “etched” or engraved into the background. Explanation creates a white shadow offset…
Evenly distributes child elements within a parent element. Explanation enables flexbox. evenly distributes child elements horizontally…
Changes the fit and position of an image within its container while preserving its aspect ratio. Previously only possible using a background…
Horizontally and vertically centers a child element within a parent element using . Explanation enables flexbox. centers the child…
Changes the appearance of a form if any of its children are focused. Explanation The psuedo class applies styles to a parent element if any…
The :fullscreen CSS pseudo-class represents an element that’s displayed when the browser is in fullscreen mode. Explanation CSS pseudo…
Vertically centers an element in another. Explanation Use the style of a pseudo-element to vertically align inline elements without…
Gives text a gradient color. Explanation gives the text element a gradient background. fills the text with a transparent color. clips the…
Horizontally and vertically centers a child element within a parent element using . Explanation enables grid. centers the child…
Gives an element a border equal to 1 native device pixel in width, which can look very sharp and crisp. Explanation , when only using spread…
Displays a hamburger menu which transitions to a cross on hover. Explanation Use a container which contains the top, bottom, and middle…
Transitions an element’s height from to when its height is unknown. Explanation specifies that changes to should be transitioned over…
Creates a shadow box around the text when it is hovered. Explanation to set width and length for element thus making it an . Set to give…
Creates an animated underline effect when the text is hovered over. Credit: https://flatuicolors.com/ Explanation makes the block an to…
Take advantage of available viewport space by giving the last element the remaining available space in current viewport, even when resizing…
Sets an automatically inherited margin for all elements that follow other elements in the document. Explanation View this link for a…
Creates a vertical Masonry layout using pure HTML and CSS. Explanation Create a masonry-style layout that consists of “bricks” that fall…
A hover effect where the gradient follows the mouse cursor. Explanation and are used to track the position of the mouse on the button. is…
Fancy hover and focus effect at navigation items using transform CSS property. Explanation Use the pseudo-element at the list item anchor…
The pseudo selector is useful for styling a group of elements, while leaving the last (or specified) element unstyled. Explanation…
A bulletproof way to completely hide an element visually and positionally in the DOM while still allowing it to be accessed by JavaScript…
Adds a fading gradient to an overflowing element to better indicate there is more content to be scrolled. Explanation on the parent…
Reveals an interactive popout menu on hover and focus. Explanation on the reference parent establishes a Cartesian positioning context for…
A nicer alternative to or where descenders do not clip the underline. Natively implemented as but it has less control over the underline…
Creates a pulse effect loader animation using the property. Explanation Use to define an animation at two points in the cycle, start…
Resets all styles to default values with one property. This will not affect and properties. Explanation The property allows you to reset…
Uses an SVG shape to separate two different blocks to create more a interesting visual appearance compared to standard horizontal separation…
Fades out the siblings of a hovered item. Explanation specifies that changes to opacity will be transitioned over 0.2 seconds. specifies…
Uses the native font of the operating system to get close to a native app feel. Explanation The browser looks for each successive font…
Align items horizontally using to create a 3-tile layout. Explanation Use to create a tiled layout, without using , or . is the…
Creates a toggle switch with CSS only. Explanation This effect is styling only the element to look like a toggle switch, and hiding the…
Vertically and horizontally centers a child element within its parent element using and (as an alternative to or ). Similar to , this…
Sets a transform on the parent element and de-transforms the child elements, so they are not affected by the transform. This allows for some…
Creates a triangle shape with pure CSS. Explanation View this link for a detailed explanation. The color of the border is the color of the…
If the text is longer than one line, it will be truncated for lines and end with an gradient fade. Explanation prevents the text from…
If the text is longer than one line, it will be truncated and end with an ellipsis . Explanation prevents the text from overflowing its…
Creates a striped list with alternating background colors, which is useful for differentiating siblings that have content spread across a…